Hello there!I am Tori (she/he/fae), ukrainian furry artist, known as vortex_cordis (or any other variation of these two words you can come up with) online.
As of right now, I'm developing this website as a passion project and a backup from social media, but i can't promise it won't become something more! Besides art, i have great interest in medicine (i'm a 4th year medstudent!), videogames (adventure games my beloved), postcard collecting (is it a hobby?...), astronomy, learning languages (although i speak only ukrainian and englush fluently) and also biology in general. *And* coding has been also growing on me so we'll see, we'll see!!
Why "rabiddog" and not "vortex_cordis"? First: "rabid dog" is one of the nicknames one good pal gave me ("бєшана собака") as a nod to my workacholism; second: i wanted to make this webbed site feel more personal and not just a cold brand social media push artists to be. on a side note, that will cause hiccups with portfolio on here, but oh well. no way back!
get to know me blitzage: 21 [29.01];
gender: nonbinary;
sexuality: bisexual;
fav music artists: mgmt, mother mother, the crane wives, modest mouse, vivienne mort, ницо потворно, один в каное, nazva;
fav games: firewatch, rain world, life is strange (esp lis 2!), road 96, stardew valley, disco elysium;
stamp collection




